Friday, June 7, 2013

Hardware Store Decor

Turn hardware store supplies into cool craft projects for your home.

Rope Necklace

Humble hardware-store materials make it a snap to fashion this accessory.

Step 1: Use scissors to cut cotton venetian-blind cord ($6.99 for 48'L × 9/64 "D; into nine 64-inch lengths. Loop the cords through the swivel-eye of a brass boat snap (5/8" boat snap, $3.95; until their ends meet. Clip the snap to a secure surface, like a drawer pull.

Step 2: Divide the dangling cords into three groups of six. Braid the groups as you would hair, making sure the cords lie flat and side by side.

Step 3: When you have reached two inches from the cords' ends, secure the braid with a rubber band. Separate a single cord end from the center of the group, then double-knot it to one end of a 4½-inch-long, gold-colored chain, as shown. Then use pliers to attach a jump ring to the chain's other end (chain, $10 per foot; Toho Shoji NY, 212-868-7465. Twenty-millimeter jump ring, 80 cents;

Step 4: Cut the other cords just below the rubber band. Wrap one-inch-wide gaffer tape ($12.99 for 60 yards;, six times, around the cut ends and rubber band. Slide a copper slip coupling ($1.80; for stores) over the taped section, making sure the coupling fits snugly atop the tape.

Step 5: At the necklace's other end, wrap the tape six times around the cords just below the snap. Finish by sliding a second coupling atop the tape.

Bleach-Pen Smock

For a gardening apron that clearly illustrates your go-to gear, first cut three 5"W x 11"L sheets of contact paper (Decora, $3.99 for three yards; Lay each of your three tools atop a separate sheet. Trace around each tool, and use an X-Acto blade to cut out; peel off and discard the shapes. Remove the adhesive backing; then center each sheet onto the pocket area of a denim apron ($10.28; Press firmly. Working on a plastic tarp, fill in each shape with a gel bleach pen ($2.74; for stores). Allow 15 minutes of drying time; then remove the sheets and draw "stitch" marks between the pockets. Let the apron dry for 30 minutes more, rinse it thoroughly in cold water, and hang to dry.

Ruler Table Runner

Follow the steps below to do a number on a drab drop cloth ($10.98 for 6'W × 9'L; for stores).

Step 1: Cut a strip from the drop cloth that measures 14¼"W × 8'1¼"L; press it to iron out any wrinkles. To hem all four edges: Turn each under ⅝"; press, then stitch in place using a ½-inch seam allowance. The fabric strip should now measure 13"W × 96"L.

Step 2: Working on one of the strip's long sides and starting at a short end, use a ruler and a pencil to measure and mark one inch at a time; continue until you reach the other end. Repeat on the opposite side of the strip. Next, using your ruler and our photo as a guide, draw a line at each mark, varying the line lengths. At each 16th mark, draw a line that crosses the entire strip. Trace over the lines using a black fabric marker ($2.99;, which dries almost instantly.

Step 3: Just left of each line that crosses the strip, and working in numerical order, center a six-inch-high number stencil ($14.62 for set; Affix with stencil adhesive ($4.65 for 4.4 ounces;

Step 4: Using a foam stencil brush, fill in the stencil with fabric paint ($2.19 for 1 ounce; Let dry about four hours. Remove stencils; if needed, touch up the numbers with a paintbrush. To clean the runner, wash by hand and hang dry.

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